3-D Personalized Design
All of our work revolves around a truly personalized design service in which we listen to and work with each of our clients. We will ask many questions, some you may know the answers to, and some questions may make you think about things differently. Whatever the case, we will listen to your thoughts and desires while providing our expertise and guidance throughout the design process. Sometimes we hear our clients are “overwhelmed with possibilities”, and thats ok, we will work with you to focus in on what will make your new space truly personalized both in function and design aesthetic to fit within your budget. We have come up with an approach that allows us to truly walk with you on the journey of your new design. We’ve refined this path and come to what we all the 3-D Personalized Design. Dream, Develop and Design.
It all begins with a thought. Whether we are starting on a new home, or a renovation, the dream is where all the ideas start. The desire to have a better space, a space to call your own. This is where a lot of our clients start to create ideabooks on Houzz, or start a home design board on Pinterest, or maybe you’ve saved photos from instagram on your phone. Whatever the starting point, this is where we truly get a sense of the feeling of the home you want. The next step is to review these ideas and start to weed out some of the ideas that just don’t fit the overall project goals. Whether it’s the site, the size or the budget, some ideas become more important than others and we will work with you to narrow in on the items that truly matter.
Now that we have started to review some inspiration and work with our overall project goals, our next step is to develop a plan and truly start to put your ideas into reality. We will start with space planning and create a layout to review with you. This is where we work through the functionality of your space. How will you move from space to space, and how will you live in the space in general terms. Where will we capture the amazing views, how will we separate the space for work and play and how will guests be greeted when they stop by. While we work through this phase, we will continue discussing the inspiration and dreams so that we still have that big picture in mind.
Now that we have the function of the home started, this is when we can move into the design. What does the outside look like? What will my kitchen look like, or my fireplace or master bath. This is the time where we pull your dreams together with your inspiration images to see what these final details are really going to look like. While we are used to looking at plans and visualizing what is going on, we realize that we are in a minority when it comes to understanding blueprints. And we also realize that what is in one person’s mind when you hear stone fireplace, is different from anyone else’s. That’s where our immersive design services come in. We will create realistic images, both inside and out, to be sure that whatever that fireplace looks like in your mind, is able to be shown to everyone else. We take the guesswork out of how something will look or feel when the project is done. Being able to feel how the space will be lived in before construction even starts will help put your mind at ease as you work though the many decisions that need to be made. Taking the stress and anxiety away from the thought of how this will really look when its all done, is crucial to being able to really enjoy the process of building your new home.